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2002-2003 Enrollment Form 

Changes for 2002-2003

2002-2003 Calendar Information

Summer Coaches Conference July 14 & 15, 2003

Tournament of Champions  

Academic Bowl       

4th Grade Rules 

 5th Grade Rules

Upper Elementary Rules

Mid Level Rules 

Freshman Rules

Oklahoma All-Star Team

Competition on Computer Disk

Oklahoma Road Rally 

Changes for the 2002-2003 competition year from discussions held at the Coaches Conference.


Fourth and Fifth Grade Academic Bowl

1.) Add the possibility of a third tournament for fourth and fifth grade - the addition of a 3rd tournament would be determined by the individual districts. An additional competition fee of $30 would be paid by those schools wishing to participate in a 3rd tournament.

2.) Increase number of questions for 4th grade to 20 toss-ups, 10 question team question, 20 toss-ups.

Freshman Bowl

1.) Set a specific time for the Freshman Champions Tournament. (April 7-11)

Academic Bowl Rules - General:

1.) Team Question -- Before the question answers are given , have judges read through, silently - if there are any questions about the answer, because of misspelling or penmanship, they can call one of the students (the writer or captain) forward to clarify the answer.

2.) Only the four students playing at the table during the team question are allowed to participate in the discussion and answering of the team question. Substitutes are not allowed to pull up a chair and sit-in.

3.) To break a tie at the end of a game - make tiebreaker written - 5 questions 1.5 minutes. same instructions if you cannot read (For all levels except the Freshman tournaments)

4.) Add clarification, first answer given is the one you take - Rule 19

5.) add to checklist, check rooms for maps, posters, etc.

6.) Planning Meetings - Stress the importance of the planning meeting

Tentative Planning Meeting Dates & Locations (if you want to add your school as a possible location - e me the date and time)

Belle Isle Planning Meeting - October 10th @ 4:15

Sperry Planning Meeting October 8th @ 4:00

Chandler Planning Meeting - October 8th @ 4:30

Marlow Planning Meeting - October 8th @ 4:15

or Minco October 9th @ 3:30

Mid Level - October 8th @ 4:00 Drummond

Hooker October 10th @ 4:15

Whitney, Tulsa @ October 8th @ 4:00

Drummond Elementary on 14th @ 4:00


Disk Tournaments:

If the technology develops prior to competition time this year, a tournament held online should be in real time.

Send mail to gnbliss@carnegienet.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August 12, 2002